poppy seed in Odia details overview:: -->

poppy seed in Odia details overview::

Poppyseed overview 

poppy seeds are produced poppy plants flower. It is small, round, bluish, black or light to dark in colour. It is more beneficial to our body health. It is fulfilling of nutrients and also Vitamins.

Poppy-seed in odia
Poppy seeds in odia


  • calories
  • protein
  • carbs
  • fiber
  • manganese
  • copper
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc
  • thiamine
  • iron

poppy seed uses

The poppy seed is used in our delayed life directly or indirectly. it is used to make cake, pastries, filing, etc.
the oil of poppy seed is used to soap, paint, and varnish.

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